RaiSE – Interregional meeting and study visits in Bologna, 20-22 November 2017
RaiSE: quali opportunità per l’economia sociale in Emilia-Romagna?
https://youtu.be/bc3P4m2xEEU | https://youtu.be/cEPlNbAYwig
RaiSE promotional video
Promotional Video of RaiSE, an Interreg Europe project that brings together six pro-active regions and one advisory partner to address the common challenge of enhancing the competitiveness of social enterprises.
BOLOGNA: intervista agli stakeholders
RaiSE: le imprese sociali in Emilia-Romagna. Intervista agli stakeholder
Barcellona, 30 Gennaio – 1 Febbraio 2017
RaiSE: partner e stakeholder al kick-off meeting e alla prima visita studio